There was a time when I needed spiritual guidance while
singing and traveling over the country and the Lord led me
to Rev. Jessie Hobbs; who is an Associate Minister of the
New Southern Rock Baptist Church, Washington D.C. (where I attend). He has been a blessing in my life. He has been my spiritual adviser for a few years now. So after talking with the members of the Aire, we thought it not robbery to add this page to our site entitled The Word .
Please enjoy the thought for the day !
CO2 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
A new year has arrived 2025, and with it comes a new beginning, a new opportunity to do things differently than what was done last year 2024. A new year, a new beginning, a new opportunity! What a blessing it is each year to be able to reflect back over bad situations of the past year, and then be given a new year to turn it all around for good. However, some people will fail to take advantage of this new beginning, and will continue to make the same bad decisions over and over again; resulting in even more ruin and sadness. But, others will take full advantage of this new opportunity to forge a new path, a new way of thinking and a new way of doing things; and the results will bring great hope and joy. Likewise, Jesus Christ has come to offer everyone a new beginning, a new opportunity to change their sinful life and become a new creature. II Corinthians 5:17, tells us that all those who are in Christ (who have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior) have become new creatures, and all the old things (sinful ways) have been put away; now we walk in newness of life. Will you take full advantage of this new beginning, this new opportunity; or will you continue in your sin? It’s a new year, make a “New” choice! Choose Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savion. It will be the best choice you have ever made! Happy New Year to one and all.
To God be all the Glory!
Rev. J.J. Hobbs